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obstruct synonyms and obstruct related words

Synonyms -> obstruct synonyms

List of obstruct synonyms and obstruct related words.

arrest, backpedal, backwater, bar, barricade, beat off, bind, block, block out, block up, blockade, bolt, brake, bung, caulk, check, chink, chock, choke, choke off, choke up, clip the wings, clog, clog up, close, close off, close tight, close up, confine, congest, constipate, constrict, cork, counter, cover, crowd, curb, dam, dam up, debar, decelerate, delay, detain, dog, drag, draw rein, drive back, ease off, ease up, fend, fend off, fill, fill up, forbid, foul, halt, hamper, hinder, hold at bay, hold back, hold in check, hold off, hold up, impede, interfere with, interrupt, jam, keep at bay, keep back, keep off, lag, let down, let up, lock, lose ground, lose momentum, lose speed, make late, moderate, obstipate, occlude, pack, parry, plug, plug up, preclude, prevent, prohibit, push back, put back, rebuff, reef, rein in, relax, repel, repulse, retard, set back, shroud, shut off, shut out, shut tight, slack off, slack up, slacken, slow, slow down, slow up, spile, squeeze, squeeze shut, stall, stanch, stave off, stay, stench, stifle, stop, stop up, stopper, stopple, strangle, strangulate, stuff, stuff up, suffocate, take in sail, throttle down, turn aside, ward off