List of octave synonyms and octave related words.
English horn, Octateuch, Spenserian stanza, antistrophe, bassoon, block flute, bombard, book, bourdon, burden, canto, cello, chorus, claribel, clarinet, clarion, concert flute, consecutive intervals, contraoctave, cornet, cornopean, couplet, cromorna, cymbel, degree, diapason, diatessaron, diatonic interval, diatonic semitone, distich, double contraoctave, dulciana, eight, eighter from Decatur, eighth, enharmonic diesis, enharmonic interval, envoi, epode, fifth, flute stop, foundation stop, four-foot octave, four-line octave, fourniture, fourth, gamba, gedeckt, gemshorn, great octave, half step, halftone, harmonic flute, heptastich, hexastich, hybrid stop, interval, koppel flute, larigot, less semitone, line, measure, melodia, melodic interval, mixture, monostich, mutation stop, nazard, note, oboe, octad, octagon, octahedron, octameter, octastich, octastyle, octavo, octet, octonary, octosyllable, ogdoad, one-line octave, organ stop, ottava, ottava alta, ottava bassa, ottava rima, parallel octaves, pentastich, piccolo, plein jeu, posaune, principal, quatrain, quint, quintaten, rank, ranket, reed stop, refrain, register, rhyme royal, rohr flute, second, semitone, septet, sesquialtera, sestet, seventh, sextet, shawm, sixth, small octave, spitz flute, stanza, stave, step, stop, stopped diapason, stopped flute, strain, string diapason, string stop, strophe, subcontraoctave, syllable, tercet, terza rima, tetrastich, third, tierce, tone, tone row, tremolo, triplet, tristich, trombone, trumpet, twelfth, two-foot octave, two-line octave, unda maris, unison interval, utas, verse, vibrato, viola, voix celeste, vox angelica, vox humana, whole step