List of offset synonyms and offset related words.
absorb the shock, albertype, analog process, annul, antacid, antidote, antipode, antipodes, antipole, antithesis, antonym, atone for, balance, ballast, be at cross-purposes, be opposed to, behavior pattern, book printing, branch, break the fall, bring to nothing, buffer, cancel, cancel out, check, chromotypography, chromotypy, chromoxylography, clash, collotype, color printing, come to nothing, compensate, compensation, conflict, conflict with, consideration, contra, contradict, contrapose, contrast with, contravene, controvert, converse, counter, counteract, counteractant, counteraction, counteractive, counteragent, counterbalance, countercheck, counterirritant, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpole, counterpose, counterterm, countervail, counterweigh, counterweight, counterwork, cushion, damp, dampen, deaden, digital process, electronography, electrostatic printing, equalize, equalizer, equipoise, equiponderate, equivalent, even out, even up, feeling, filiation, foil, frustrate, give-and-take, graphic arts, gravure, halftone engraving, history of printing, hunting, impress, impression, imprint, indemnify, input oscillation, invalidate, inverse, job printing, juxtapose in opposition, letterpress, letterpress photoengraving, line engraving, lithography, lithogravure, lithophotogravure, mackle, make amends, make good, make restitution, make up, make up for, makeweight, mimeograph, negate, negativate, negative, neutralize, neutralizer, nullifier, nullify, obverse, offcut, offprint, offset lithography, offshoot, onset, oppose, opposite, opposite number, oppugn, oscillatory behavior, outweigh, overcorrection of error, overshoot, palaeotypography, photo-offset, photochemical process, photoengraving, photogelatin process, photographic reproduction, photography, photolithography, phototypography, phototypy, photozincography, planographic printing, planography, play at cross-purposes, preventative, preventive, print, printing, printmaking, process, prophylactic, publication, publishing, quid pro quo, recompense, redeem, redress, reimburse, reissue, relief printing, remedy, repay, reprint, reverse, rotary photogravure, rotogravure, run counter to, self-excitation, set off, setoff, sheetwork, shoot, show consideration, show mercy, show pity, soften, soften the blow, something of value, sprout, square, square up, stamp, stencil, stop, stultify, suppress, the contrary, the other side, three-color printing, thwart, tit for tat, two-color printing, typography, typolithography, undo, vis-a-vis, vitiate, void, wood-block printing, xerography, xeroprinting, xylotypography, zincography