List of oily synonyms and oily related words.
Pecksniffian, adipose, adulatory, bland, blandishing, blarneying, blubbery, buttery, butyraceous, cajoling, canting, chrismal, chrismatory, complimentary, courtierly, courtly, disarming, fair-spoken, fat, fatty, fawning, fine-spoken, flattering, fulsome, glib, goody-goody, greased, greasy, gushing, holier-than-thou, honey-mouthed, honey-tongued, honeyed, hypocritic, hypocritical, ingratiating, insincere, insinuating, lardaceous, lardy, lubric, lubricated, lubricious, mealymouthed, mucoid, obsequious, oiled, oily-tongued, oleaginous, oleic, pharisaic, pharisean, rich, sanctimonious, sebaceous, servile, simon-pure, sleek, slick, sliddery, slimy, slippery, slippy, slithery, slobbery, smarmy, smooth, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, smug, soaped, soapy, soft-soaping, soft-spoken, sophisticated, suave, suave-spoken, suety, sycophantic, tallowy, unctuous, unguent, unguentary, unguentous, urbane, wheedling