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operatic synonyms and operatic related words

Synonyms -> operatic synonyms

List of operatic synonyms and operatic related words.

actor-proof, all-star, alto, ballet, balletic, baritone, bass, bravura, choral, choric, cinematic, cinematographic, coloratura, dramatic, dramatical, dramaturgic, falsetto, film, filmic, ham, hammy, heroic, histrionic, hymnal, legitimate, liturgical, lyric, melodramatic, milked, monodramatic, movie, overacted, overplayed, psalmic, psalmodial, psalmodic, sacred, scenic, singing, soprano, spectacular, stagelike, stageworthy, stagy, starstruck, stellar, tenor, theaterlike, theatrical, thespian, thrown away, treble, underacted, underplayed, vaudevillian, vocal