List of order synonyms and order related words.
Bronze Star Medal, Croix de Guerre, Distinguished Conduct Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Unit Citation, MO, Medaille Militaire, Military Cross, Navy Cross, Unit Citation, Victoria Cross, act on, action, adherents, adjust, adjustment, affiliation, algorithm, align, allocation, allotment, alphabetize, alternation, amendment, analyze, animal kingdom, antonomasia, apostolic orders, apply for, appointment, apportionment, appositeness, approach, appropriate, appropriateness, approximation, apt, aptness, arrange, arranged, arrangement, array, arraying, ashram, ask, ask for, association, assort, attack, auspiciousness, authorization, award, bad condition, balance, be responsible for, beauty, beg leave, behest, bespeak, bid, bidding, binomial nomenclature, biosystematics, biosystematy, biotype, blackmail, blood, blue ribbon, body, bracket, branch, break down, breed, briefing, broken, broken-down, brood, brotherhood, busted, buy, call, call for, call on, call the shots, call the signals, call upon, calling, calm, calmness, canonization, captain, carry on, case, caste, catalog, categorization, categorize, category, chain, challenge, charge, church, claim, clamor for, clan, class, classification, classify, clean, closeness, club, codification, codify, collation, collocation, colony, coming after, command, commandment, commission, commitment, commonwealth, commune, communion, community, company, concinnity, concord, condemn, condemnation, condition, conduct, conferment, confession, confraternity, confrerie, consecration, consecution, consecutiveness, consideration, constitution, continuation, continuity, contract for, contribution, control, cool off, cordon, cordon bleu, correct, correction, correctitude, correctness, country club, course, crave, cry for, decide, decision, declare, decoration, decoration of honor, decorousness, decorum, decree, degree, deliverance, demand, demand for, demanded, deme, denomination, deploy, deployment, descent, description, desire, determination, determine, diagnosis, dictate, dictation, dictum, digest, direct, direct order, direction, directions, directive, disciples, discipline, disordered, disorganized, disposal, dispose, disposition, distribution, divide, division, doom, draft, drain, duty, echelon, economic class, edict, election, endogamous group, engage, engineer, enjoin, equilibrium, estate, euphony, exact, exaction, expediency, extended family, extension, extent, extort, extortion, extortionate demand, faction, faith, family, fashion, favorableness, feather, felicity, fellowship, fettle, fiat, file, file for, final instructions, find, find against, find for, finding, fitness, fitting, fix, folk, followers, following, footing, force, form, formation, formulation, fraternal order, fraternity, garter, gear, genotype, gens, genus, give an order, give the word, glossology, gold star, good condition, goodness, govern, grace, grade, grand cordon, group, grouping, guide, guild, guise, handle, harmonize, harmony, head, head up, heading, health, heavy demand, hest, hierarchize, hierarchy, holy orders, house, ilk, imperative, importance, impose, imposition, impost, improper, in disorder, in disrepair, in order, in order to, indecorous, indent, index, induction, injunction, inoperative, insistent demand, installation, institution, instruct, instruction, instructions, integrity, investiture, ism, issue a command, issue a writ, issue an ultimatum, kaput, kidney, kilter, kin, kind, kingdom, kinship group, knighthood, label, law, law and order, lawfulness, lay out, layout, lead, lead on, league, level, levy, line, line of action, line up, lineage, lines, lineup, list, lodge, logical sequence, magnitude, major orders, make, make a demand, make a request, make a requisition, make application, make the rules, manage, mandate, maneuver, manipulate, manner, manner of working, marshal, marshaling, mastermind, matriclan, matter, means, measure, measuredness, medal, medallion, meetness, method, methodize, methodology, military medal, minor orders, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus operandi, moiety, nation, naturalism, naturalness, nature, naturism, nearness, neat, neatness, needed, neighborhood, niceness, nomenclature, nomination, nonnegotiable demand, normalcy, normality, normalize, normalness, not cricket, notice, nuclear family, officer, offshoot, on the blink, on the fritz, onomastics, onomatology, opportuneness, ordain, ordainment, order about, order of succession, order up, orderedness, ordering, orderliness, orderly, orders, ordinance, ordination, organization, organize, orismology, ornament, out of commission, out of order, out of place, out of whack, pacify, party, pass judgment, pass sentence, patriclan, pattern, peace, peace and quiet, peacefulness, pecking order, people, permission, persuasion, phratria, phratry, phyle, phylum, pigeonhole, place, place an order, place-names, place-naming, placement, plan, plant kingdom, pleasure, polyonymy, position, posteriority, postposition, power structure, practice, precedence, precedent, precept, predicament, preferment, prepared, prescribe, prescript, prescription, presentation, probity, procedure, proceeding, proceedings, process, procession, proclaim, proclamation, prognosis, progression, prolongation, promulgate, pronounce, pronounce judgment, pronounce on, pronouncement, pronunciamento, properness, proportion, propriety, proximity, pull the strings, purchase, put, put in for, put in order, put in requisition, put in shape, put to rights, quarterback, quiet, quiet life, quietness, quietude, race, range, rank, rate, rating, reading in, ready, realism, rectification, rectitude, red ribbon, reduce to order, regiment, regimentation, regularity, regularize, regulate, regulation, religious order, repair, report, request, require, required, requirement, requisition, reserve, resolution, restfulness, return a verdict, rhythm, riband, ribbon, right, rightness, rotation, routine, routinize, row, rubric, rule, ruling, run, rush, rush order, say the word, scale, school, screw, seasonableness, secret society, sect, sectarism, section, seemliness, segment, sentence, sept, sequel, sequence, serenity, series, service medal, set, set in order, set to rights, set up, set-up, settlement, setup, shape, shipshape, shot, sisterhood, skipper, so that, social class, society, sodality, sorority, sort, sort out, special order, species, sphere, stage, standardize, standing, star, state of affairs, station, status, statute, stem, stirps, stock, straighten out, straighten up, strain, stratum, streamline, stripe, structure, structuring, style, subcaste, subclass, subdivide, subdivision, subfamily, subgenus, subgroup, subjunction, subkingdom, suborder, subspecies, subtribe, succession, successiveness, suffixation, suitability, suitable, suitableness, superclass, superfamily, superorder, superspecies, sweetness, symmetry, syntax, system, systematics, systematization, systematize, systemization, tabulate, tack, take command, take the lead, tax, taxing, taxonomy, teaching, technique, tell, terminology, the drill, the how, tidiness, tidy, timeliness, title, to, tone, toponymy, totem, train, tranquilize, tranquillity, tribe, tribute, trim, trinomialism, tune, type, ukase, ultimatum, uncalled-for, uniformity, union, unorganized, unseemly, unsnarl, unsuitable, uprightness, utter a judgment, variety, verdict, version, vicinity, war medal, warn, warning, way, wear the pants, whip into shape, whistle for, wholesomeness, will, wise, wish, word, word of command