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oversight synonyms and oversight related words

Synonyms -> oversight synonyms

List of oversight synonyms and oversight related words.

accountability, administration, aegis, auspices, balk, bevue, blank, blunder, bossing, care, carelessness, charge, chasm, check, civil government, conduct, control, culpa, culpable negligence, cure, custodianship, custody, default, delinquency, dereliction, direction, discipline, disconformity, dispensation, disposition, disregard, empery, empire, error, eye, failure, false move, false step, fault, form of government, governance, government, guard, guardianship, guidance, handling, hands, heedlessness, inadvertence, inadvertency, inattention, inobservance, intendance, jurisdiction, keeping, laches, laissez-faire, lapse, lapsus calami, lapsus linguae, laxity, laxness, loose thread, looseness, maintenance, management, ministry, miscue, misstep, mistake, neglect, neglectfulness, negligence, nonadherence, noncompliance, nonconformance, nonconformity, nonfeasance, nonfulfillment, noninterference, nonobservance, nonperformance, nonrestriction, omission, overlook, overlooking, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, patronage, permissiveness, political organization, polity, poor stewardship, preterition, procrastination, protection, protectorship, regime, regimen, regnancy, regulation, reign, remissness, responsibility, rule, running, safe hands, skip, slackness, slight, slip, slipup, sovereignty, stewardship, stumble, superintendence, superintendency, supervision, surveillance, sway, system of government, trip, tutelage, unobservance, unrigorousness, ward, wardenship, wardship, watch and ward, wing, wrong step