List of pandect synonyms and pandect related words.
Code Napoleon, Napoleonic code, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, article, body of law, brief, capitulary, capsule, causerie, code, code of laws, codification, compend, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, corpus juris, descant, digest, digest of law, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, draft, epitome, equity, essay, etude, examination, excursus, exposition, feature, first approach, head, homily, introductory study, lucubration, memoir, monograph, morceau, note, outline, overview, paper, paragraph, penal code, piece, precis, preliminary study, prolegomenon, research paper, review, rubric, screed, shortened version, skeleton, sketch, special article, study, survey, syllabus, synopsis, term paper, theme, thesis, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, tract, tractate, treatise, treatment