List of panel synonyms and panel related words.
accessory, assemblee, assembly, assignation, at home, ball, barrier, blue-ribbon jury, brattice, brawl, buffer, buffer state, bulkhead, bumper, caucus, cloison, coat, coating, collision mat, collop, colloquium, commission, committee, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, conventicle, convention, convocation, council, country, covering, cushion, cut, dance, date, deal, defendant, diaphragm, diet, discussion group, disk, dissepiment, divide, dividing line, dividing wall, division, eisteddfod, fence off, fender, festivity, fete, feuille, film, flap, foil, fold, forgathering, forum, gathering, get-together, grand jury, housewarming, hung jury, impanel, impanel a jury, inquest, interseptum, jury, jury list, jury of inquest, jury of matrons, jury panel, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, leaf, levee, litigant, litigationist, litigator, mat, meet, meeting, membrane, midriff, midsection, open forum, pad, pane, paries, parties litigant, partition, party, party wall, patina, peel, pellicle, petit jury, plaintiff, plait, plank, plate, plating, plenum, ply, plywood, police jury, prom, property line, quorum, rally, rasher, reception, rendezvous, round table, safety glass, scum, seance, separate, separation, septulum, septum, session, sessions, set apart, sheet, shindig, shock pad, sit-in, sitting, skin, slab, slat, slice, soiree, special jury, suitor, symposium, synod, table, tablet, trial jury, turnout, veneer, venire, wafer, wall, wall off, witness