List of parcel synonyms and parcel related words.
a certain number, a few, a number, acres, adjunct, allocate, allot, amount, apportion, array, assign, bag, bale, barrel, basket, batch, bind up, bindle, body, bolt, bottle, bouquet, box, box up, budget, bunch, bundle, bundle up, can, capsule, carton, carve, carve up, case, cask, chattels real, chunk, clot, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, component, container, contingent, count, crate, cross section, cut, cut up, deal, deal out, deck, decrease, demesne, detachment, detail, disburse, disperse, distribute, district, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, division, divvy, divvy up, do up, dole, dole out, domain, dose, encase, encyst, fagot, fardel, fasces, fascine, fix, fraction, gob, grounds, group, hamper, hand out, heap, honor, hunk, increase, installment, item, jar, land, landed property, lands, large amount, lot, lots, manor, measure, member, mess, messuage, mete out, moiety, nosegay, number, one or two, pack, package, packet, parcel out, part, particular, partition, passel, percentage, piece, plat, plot, portion, posy, pot, praedium, property, prorate, quadrant, quadrat, quantify, quantity, quantize, quarter, quiver, quota, random sample, rate, ration, real estate, real property, realty, reduce, remainder, roll, roll up, rouleau, sack, sample, sampling, section, sector, segment, set, several, share, share out, share with, sheaf, shift, slice, slice the pie, slice up, small amount, split, split up, subdivide, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, sum, tank, tenements, tie up, tin, toft, tract, truss, truss up, two or three, umpteen, wrap, wrap up, zone