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passion synonyms and passion related words

Synonyms -> passion synonyms

List of passion synonyms and passion related words.

Alecto, Amor, Christian love, Eros, Megaera, Negro spiritual, Nemesis, Platonic love, Tisiphone, abandon, ache, aching, admiration, adoration, affect, affection, affectivity, agape, agitation, agony, amorousness, amour, andromania, animation, anthem, aphrodisia, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, ardency, ardor, aspiring, attachment, avidity, avidness, beloved, biological urge, blow, bluster, bodily appetite, bodily love, brawl, broil, brotherly love, brouhaha, bug, burning rage, cacophony, calenture, cantata, canticle, caritas, carnal desire, cathexis, chaos, charity, choice, chorale, church music, clawing, command, commitment, committedness, commotion, compulsion, conation, conatus, concern, concernment, concupiscence, conjugal love, convulsion, coveting, cramp, craving, craze, crazy fancy, cruciation, crucifixion, crush, curiosity, cut, decision, dedication, delirium, desideration, desire, determination, devotedness, devotion, devoutness, discretion, disposition, distress, disturbance, dolor, doxology, drive, eagerness, earnestness, ebullition, ecstasy, embroilment, emotion, emotional charge, emotional shade, enthusiasm, eromania, eroticism, eroticomaniac, erotism, erotomania, eruption, excitement, experience, faith, faithful love, faithfulness, fanaticism, fancy, fantasy, fascination, feeling, feeling tone, ferment, fervency, fervidness, fervor, feverishness, fidelity, fieriness, fire, fire and fury, fit, flame, flap, fleshly lust, fomentation, fondness, foofaraw, foreboding, free choice, free love, free will, free-lovism, frenzy, fume, furious rage, furor, furor uterinus, furore, fury, fuss, glow, goatishness, gospel, gospel music, grief, gust, gusto, gut reaction, gynecomania, heart, heartiness, heartthrob, heat, heatedness, hell, hell upon earth, hero, hero worship, heroine, holocaust, hope, horme, horniness, horror, hot blood, hot pants, hubbub, hurrah, hurt, hymn, hymn-tune, hymnody, hymnology, hysteria, idol, idolatry, idolism, idolization, impassionedness, impression, inclination, indecency, infantile sexuality, infatuation, injury, intellectual curiosity, intensity, intention, intentness, interest, intoxication, introit, itch, keenness, laceration, lancination, lasciviousness, lesion, libidinousness, libido, lickerishness, like, likes, liking, liveliness, longing, love, lovemaking, loyalty, lust, lust for learning, lustfulness, lyricism, madness, mania, manic-depressive psychosis, married love, martyrdom, mass, matter of interest, mind, misery, motet, nasty blow, need, nightmare, nymphomania, objective, obsession, offertory, offertory sentence, oratorio, orgasm, orgy, outbreak, outburst, paean, pain, pandemonium, pang, panting, paroxysm, partiality, pash, passionateness, passions, persecution, physical love, pleasure, pleasure principle, polymorphous perversity, popular regard, popularity, predilection, presentiment, profound sense, prosodion, prurience, pruriency, psalm, psalmody, purgatory, rack, racket, rage, rapture, ravishment, reaction, recessional, regard, relish, requiem, requiem mass, resolution, response, row, ruckus, rumpus, sacred music, satyriasis, satyrism, savor, seizure, sensation, sense, sensuality, sensuousness, sentiment, seriousness, sex, sexual desire, sexual longing, sexual love, sexual passion, shine, shock, sincerity, sore, sore spot, soul, spasm, special interest, spirit, spiritedness, spiritual, spiritual love, storm, storminess, stress, stress of life, stroke, suffering, taste, tearing passion, tempest, tempestuousness, tender feeling, tender passion, tender spot, the Erinyes, the Eumenides, the Furies, thirst for knowledge, throes, torment, torture, towering rage, transport, truelove, tumult, tumultuousness, turbulence, turmoil, undercurrent, uproar, upset, urge, uxoriousness, vehemence, velleity, venereal appetite, verve, vigor, violence, vivaciousness, vivacity, volition, want, wanting, warmth, warmth of feeling, weakness, whirlwind, white spiritual, wildness, will, will and pleasure, will power, wish, wish fulfillment, worship, wound, wrench, yearning, yen, zeal, zealotry, zealousness, zest, zestfulness