List of pat synonyms and pat related words.
a propos, ad rem, adamant, adamantine, adapted, applicable, apposite, appreciated, apprehended, appropriate, apropos, apt, artful endearments, ascertained, at a standstill, batch, beak, becoming, befitting, blandishments, block, brush, bulk, bump, bunt, caress, chink, chuck, chunk, click, clink, clod, clop, clump, clunk, cocker, coddle, comprehended, conceived, cosset, crump, dab, dandle, discerned, dovetailing, down pat, dull thud, endearment, felicitous, fillip, firm, fit, fitted, fitting, flick, flip, flirt, flump, fondle, frozen, geared, gob, grasped, graze, happy, honeyed words, hunk, immobile, immotile, immotive, immovable, inflexible, irremovable, just right, known, likely, loaf, lump, mass, meshing, nugget, on the button, opportune, pad, patter, peck, perceived, pet, pick, pitapat, pitter-patter, plump, plunk, pop, prehended, qualified, quantity, rap, realized, recognized, relevant, right, rigid, seasonable, seized, snap, soft words, sortable, standpat, stationary, suitable, suited, suiting, sweet nothings, sweet talk, tailored, tap, thud, thump, tick, tickle, tinkle, tip, to the point, to the purpose, touch, tunk, understood, unmovable, unmoving, unyielding, wad, whisk