List of pathos synonyms and pathos related words.
bathos, benevolence, bitterness, bleakness, caring, cheerlessness, chord, clemency, comfortlessness, commiseration, compassion, concern, condolence, depression, discomfort, dismalness, distress, distressfulness, dreariness, echo, empathy, favor, feeling, fellow feeling, forbearance, forgiveness, grace, grief, grievousness, heaviness, heaviness of heart, heavy heart, heavyheartedness, humanity, identification, involvement, joylessness, kindness, lamentability, lamentation, leniency, mercy, mitigation, mournfulness, pain, painfulness, pardon, pitiability, pitiableness, pitifulness, pity, poignancy, quarter, regrettableness, relating, relief, reprieve, response, responsiveness, ruth, sadheartedness, sadness, self-pity, sharing, sharpness, sorrowfulness, sympathetic chord, sympathetic response, sympathy, vibes, vibrations, woebegoneness, woefulness