List of patriarch synonyms and patriarch related words.
Aaronic priesthood, Father Time, Grand Penitentiary, Holy Father, Melchizedek priesthood, Methuselah, Nestor, Old Paar, Seventy, abba, abuna, ancestors, antecedents, antediluvian, antipope, antique, apostle, archbishop, archdeacon, architect, archpriest, ascendants, author, back number, bishop, bishop coadjutor, boss, bwana, canon, cardinal, cardinal bishop, cardinal deacon, cardinal priest, centenarian, chaplain, chef, chief, church dignitary, coadjutor, conservative, creator, curate, dad, daddy, deacon, dean, diocesan, dodo, dotard, ecclesiarch, elder, elders, employer, exarch, father, fathers, fogy, forebears, forefathers, fossil, foster father, founder, fud, fuddy-duddy, gaffer, geezer, generator, genitor, golden-ager, goodman, governor, gramps, grandfather, grandfathers, grandparents, grandsire, granny, graybeard, guru, has-been, hierarch, high priest, husband, inventor, liege, liege lord, longhair, lord, lord paramount, maker, master, matriarch, metropolitan, mid-Victorian, mossback, nonagenarian, octogenarian, old believer, old chap, old codger, old crock, old dodo, old dog, old duffer, old fogy, old geezer, old gent, old gentleman, old liner, old man, old party, old poop, old woman, old-timer, older, oldster, originator, overlord, pa, padrone, pantaloon, pap, papa, pappy, paramount, pater, paterfamilias, patriarchs, patron, penitentiary, pontiff, pop, pope, pops, prebendary, predecessors, prelate, presbyter, priest, primate, progenitors, rabbi, reactionary, rector, regular old fogy, relic, rural dean, sahib, seigneur, seignior, senior citizen, septuagenarian, sexagenarian, sire, square, starets, stepfather, subdean, suffragan, teacher, the old man, the quiet-voiced elders, traditionalist, venerable sir, veteran, vicar