List of pawky synonyms and pawky related words.
Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, arch, artful, astute, cagey, calculating, canny, careful, cautious, circumspect, clever, crafty, cunning, cute, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, deliberate, designing, devious, difficult, diplomatic, discreet, feline, finical, finicking, finicky, finikin, foxy, fuss-budgety, fussy, gingerly, guarded, guileful, hard to please, heedful, hesitant, ingenious, insidious, inventive, judicious, knowing, leaving out nothing, mindful, noncommittal, on guard, overlooking no possibility, pernickety, persnickety, politic, prudent, queasy, ready, regardful, resourceful, safe, scheming, serpentine, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, slow to act, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sophistical, squeamish, stealthy, strategic, subtile, subtle, supple, tactical, tentative, thorough, trickish, tricksy, tricky, unadventurous, uncommunicative, undaring, unenterprising, unprecipitate, vulpine, wary, wily