List of peaked synonyms and peaked related words.
acicular, acuminate, acute, attenuated, cachectic, cadaverous, capped, corpselike, crested, crowned, cuspidate, debilitated, drained, emacerated, emaciate, emaciated, enervated, exhausted, failing, feeble, frail, haggard, headed, healthless, hollow-eyed, in poor health, infirm, invalid, jejune, languishing, marantic, marasmic, moribund, pale, peaking, peaky, pinched, plumed, poor, puny, reduced, reduced in health, run-down, sharp, shriveled, sick, sickly, skeletal, starved, starveling, tabetic, tabid, tipped, topped, underfed, undernourished, unhealthy, unsound, valetudinarian, valetudinary, wasted, weakened, weakly, weazeny, with low resistance, withered, wizened, wraithlike