List of permissive synonyms and permissive related words.
accommodating, accordant, acquiescent, admissive, affable, affirmative, agreeable, agreeing, allowing, amiable, approving, assenting, benevolent, benign, benignant, broad-minded, careless, complaisant, compliable, compliant, conditional, consentient, consenting, content, culpably negligent, decent, derelict, eager, easy, easygoing, endorsing, favorable, freethinking, generous, gracious, imperative, impotent, imprecise, inadvertent, inattentive, indicative, indifferent, indulgent, jussive, kind, kindly, laissez-faire, latitudinarian, lax, lenient, liberal, libertarian, libertine, loose, mode, mood, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, noninterfering, nonprohibitive, nonrestrictive, nothing loath, obligative, obliging, off-guard, open-minded, optative, overindulgent, overly permissive, overpermissive, permitting, potential, procrastinating, prompt, ratifying, ready, relaxed, remiss, sanctioning, scamping, skimping, slack, slighting, slipshod, sloppy, slurring, soft, subjunctive, submissive, suffering, tolerant, tolerating, unbigoted, uncircumspect, ungrudging, unguarded, unloath, unprohibitive, unrefusing, unreluctant, unrestrained, unrigorous, unwary, unwatchful, weak, willing