List of persecution synonyms and persecution related words.
McCarthyism, abuse, affliction, aggravation, annoyance, bad news, bedevilment, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, bullying, clawing, crashing bore, cruciation, crucifixion, devilment, difficulty, dogging, downer, drag, exasperation, harassing, harassment, harrying, headache, hectoring, hell, hell upon earth, holocaust, horror, hounding, ill-treatment, irritation, laceration, lancination, maltreatment, martyrdom, molestation, nightmare, nuisance, oppression, outrage, passion, pest, problem, punishment, purgatory, rack, red-baiting, subjugation, suppression, torment, tormenting, torture, trial, trouble, tyranny, vexation, vexatiousness, victimization, witch-hunt, witch-hunting, worriment, worry