List of perverted synonyms and perverted related words.
AC-DC, abandoned, aberrant, abnormal, abroad, abused, adrift, affected, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, amoral, amphierotic, apocryphal, artificial, askew, assumed, astray, at fault, autoerotic, awry, bad, base, bastard, beside the mark, biased, bisexed, bisexual, bogus, brummagem, butch, catachrestic, colorable, colored, contaminated, contorted, cooked, corrupt, corrupted, counterfeit, counterfeited, debased, debauched, decadent, deceptive, defective, defiled, degenerate, degraded, delinquent, delusive, depraved, deviant, deviate, deviational, deviative, dissolute, distorted, doctored, dressed up, dummy, effeminate, eisegetical, embellished, embroidered, errant, erring, erroneous, ersatz, evil, evil-minded, factitious, fake, faked, fallacious, false, falsified, faultful, faulty, feigned, fictitious, fictive, flawed, foul, garbled, gay, heretical, heterodox, homoerotic, homosexual, illegitimate, illogical, illusory, imitation, immoral, iniquitous, junky, lesbian, make-believe, malefic, malevolent, malicious, malign, man-made, mannish, misapprehended, misconceived, misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, misread, misrepresented, mistaken, misunderstood, misused, mock, morally polluted, not right, not true, off, off the track, out, outraged, peccant, perverse, phony, pinchbeck, polluted, pretended, profligate, pseudo, put-on, quasi, queer, reprobate, rotten, sapphic, self-contradictory, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simulated, sinful, slanted, so-called, soi-disant, spurious, steeped in iniquity, strained, straying, supposititious, synthetic, tainted, tin, tinsel, titivated, tortured, transvestite, tribadistic, twisted, unauthentic, unfactual, ungenuine, unmoral, unnatural, unorthodox, unprincipled, unproved, unreal, untrue, vice-corrupted, vitiate, vitiated, warped, wicked, wide, wrong