List of petulant synonyms and petulant related words.
Jeremianic, arbitrary, bad-tempered, beefing, bellyaching, bilious, bitching, cantankerous, capricious, captious, catty, choleric, complaining, complaintful, crabbed, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking, cross, crotchety, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, envious, fanciful, fantasied, fantastic, faultfinding, flaky, fractious, freakish, fretful, griping, grouchy, grousing, growling, grumbling, grumpy, harebrained, howling, huffish, huffy, humorsome, ill-humored, ill-tempered, impatient, irascible, irritable, kinky, lamentive, maggoty, malcontent, malcontented, moanful, moody, motiveless, mournful, murmuring, muttering, nagging, naggy, notional, out of humor, peevish, perverse, pettish, plaintive, plangent, puling, querulant, querulous, quirky, rebellious, resentful, restive, restless, shrewish, snappish, sorrowful, sour, splenetic, sulky, temperamental, testy, ululant, unaccepting, unaccommodating, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsatisfied, vagarious, vagrant, vixenish, vixenly, wailful, wanton, waspish, wayward, whimpering, whimsical, whining, whiny