List of phantom synonyms and phantom related words.
Barmecidal, Barmecide, Dracula, Frankenstein, Masan, Wolf-man, air, airy, airy nothing, apparent, apparition, apparitional, appearance, asomatous, astral, astral spirit, autistic, banshee, bodiless, bogey, bogeyman, brainchild, bubble, bugaboo, bugbear, chimaera, chimera, chimeric, control, decarnate, decarnated, deceptive, delirium, delusion, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, departed spirit, dereistic, discarnate, disembodied, disembodied spirit, dreamlike, dreamy, duppy, dybbuk, ectoplasmic, eidolon, erroneous, ether, ethereal, etheric, extramundane, fallacious, false, false image, fancy, fantasque, fantastic, fantasy, fee-faw-fum, fiction, figment, figure, form, frightener, ghost, ghostish, ghostlike, ghostly, ghosty, ghoul, grateful dead, guide, hallucination, hant, haunt, hobgoblin, holy terror, horror, idle fancy, idolum, illusion, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, image, imagery, imaginary, imagination, imagining, immaterial, immateriality, impalpable, imponderable, incorporate, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, incubus, insubstantial, insubstantial image, intangible, invention, larva, lemures, maggot, make-believe, manes, materialization, mirage, misleading, mist, monster, myth, nightmare, nonmaterial, nonphysical, occult, ogre, ogress, oni, ostensible, otherworldly, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantomic, phantomlike, phasm, phenomenon, poltergeist, presence, psychic, revenant, romance, scarebabe, scarecrow, scarer, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, shade, shadow, shadowy, shape, shrouded spirit, sick fancy, smoke, specious, specter, specterlike, spectral, spectral ghost, spectrum, spirit, spiritual, spook, sprite, succubus, supernatural, supposititious, terror, theophany, thick-coming fancies, thin air, transmundane, trip, unactual, unearthly, unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unfounded, unphysical, unreal, unsubstantial, unsubstantiality, unworldly, vampire, vapor, vision, visionary, waking dream, walking dead man, wandering soul, werewolf, whim, whimsy, wildest dream, wildest dreams, wraith, wraithlike, wraithy, zombie