List of phony synonyms and phony related words.
Joseph Surface, Pecksniff, Tartuffe, actor, affected, affecter, agent, alike, alternate, alternative, analogy, ape, aped, apocryphal, artificial, assumed, backup, bastard, blagueur, bluff, bluffer, bogus, brummagem, canter, certified copy, change, changeling, charlatan, cheat, clinquant, colorable, colored, comparison, conformist, consimilar, copied, copier, copy, copycat, copyist, counterfeit, counterfeited, counterfeiter, cuckoo, deceiver, deputy, dissembler, dissimulator, distorted, double, dressed up, dummy, echo, echoer, echoist, ectype, embellished, embroidered, equal, equivalent, ersatz, exchange, factitious, fair copy, fair-weather friend, faithful copy, fake, faked, fakement, faker, false, false friend, falsified, favoring, feigned, fictitious, fictive, fill-in, following, forged, forger, forgery, fourflusher, frame-up, fraud, garbled, ghost, ghostwriter, hoax, hokey, hollow man, homogeneous, humbug, hypocrite, hypocritical, icon, identical, illegitimate, image, imitated, imitation, imitator, impersonator, impostor, junk, junky, like, likeness, locum tenens, make-believe, makeshift, malingerer, man of straw, man-made, mannerist, mealymouth, metaphor, metonymy, mime, mimer, mimic, mimicked, mimicker, mock, mocker, mockingbird, monkey, mountebank, nearly reproduced, next best thing, not unlike, paper tiger, parrot, paste, pasticcio, pastiche, performer, personnel, perverted, pharisee, picture, pinch, pinch hitter, pinchbeck, plagiarist, plagiarized, playactor, poll-parrot, polly, polly-parrot, portrait, poser, poseur, pretended, pretender, provisional, proxy, pseudo, put-on, put-up job, quack, quacksalver, quackster, quasi, queer, relief, replacement, representation, representative, resemblance, resembling, reserve, reserves, ringer, rip-off, saltimbanco, sanctimonious fraud, second string, secondary, self-styled, semblance, sham, shammer, sheep, shoddy, sign, similar, similitude, simulacrum, simulated, simulator, smacking of, snide, snuffler, so-called, soi-disant, something like, spare, spares, spoof, spurious, stand-in, stopgap, straw man, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, suggestive of, summer soldier, superseder, supplanter, supposititious, surrogate, swindle, symbol, synecdoche, synthetic, temporary, tentative, third string, tin, tinsel, titivated, token, twisted, unauthentic, understudy, ungenuine, uniform with, unnatural, unreal, utility, utility player, vicar, vicarious, vice-president, vice-regent, warped, whited sepulcher