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pillory synonyms and pillory related words

Synonyms -> pillory synonyms

List of pillory synonyms and pillory related words.

Oregon boat, attaint, bespatter, bilbo, blacken, blot, blow upon, bond, bonds, brand, branks, bridle, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, bring to account, bring to book, call to account, camisole, cast reproach upon, castigate, censure, chains, chasten, chastise, collar, correct, crank, cucking stool, cuffs, deal with, debase, defame, defile, defrock, degrade, deplume, deride, disapprove, discipline, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, disparage, displume, ducking stool, expose, expose to infamy, fetter, finger pillory, gag, gibbet, grin at, gyves, halter, hamper, handcuffs, hang in effigy, hobbles, hold in derision, hopples, humiliate, impute shame to, inflict upon, irons, laugh at, laugh to scorn, leading strings, leash, make fun of, make game of, make merry with, manacle, masthead, muzzle, pan, penalize, point at, poke fun at, punish, put one on, put to shame, rag, razz, reflect discredit upon, reins, reprimand, reproach, restraint, restraints, ride, ridicule, roast, settle with, shackle, shame, slur, smear, smile at, snicker at, snigger at, soil, square accounts, stain, stigmatize, stocks, straightjacket, strait-waistcoat, straitjacket, stranglehold, sully, taint, take to task, tarnish, tether, trammel, trammels, treadmill, trebuchet, triangle, triangles, unfrock, vilify, visit upon, whipping post, wooden horse, yoke