List of pining synonyms and pining related words.
Heimweh, aching, agony, anguish, bowed-down, care, carking care, cast down, coming apart, cracking, crumbling, dashed, decadent, declining, degenerate, dejected, depressed, desiderium, despairing, despondent, desponding, deteriorating, discouraged, disheartened, disintegrating, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, draining, drooping, droopy, dwindling, ebbing, effete, fading, failing, falling, feeling low, flagging, fragmenting, going to pieces, grief, hankering, heartfelt grief, heartgrief, heartless, homesick, homesickness, honing, hypochondriac, hypochondriacal, in low spirits, in the depths, in the doldrums, in the dumps, lamentation, languishing, languishment, longing, low, low-spirited, mal du pays, maladie du pays, marcescent, misery, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostomania, pessimistic, prostration, regressive, retrograde, retrogressive, shriveling, sinking, sliding, slipping, slumping, sorrow, sorrowing, spiritless, subdued, subsiding, suicidal, tabetic, waning, wasting, weary of life, wilting, wishful, wistful, withering, woe, woebegone, world-weary, worsening, yearnful, yearning, yen