List of pipeline synonyms and pipeline related words.
adjutage, bush telegraph, catheter, channel, coming, conduit, confidential information, connection, contact, conveyor, cooking, drainpipe, duct, efflux tube, fire hose, flue pipe, flume, funnel, garden hose, gas pipe, grapevine, grapevine telegraph, hose, hosepipe, imminent, in the offing, in the works, inside dope, inside information, insider, line, main, nipple, on the way, organ pipe, origin, passage, pipe, pipette, piping, put through channels, ready, reed, reed pipe, siamese, siamese connection, siphon, snorkel, soil pipe, source, standpipe, steam pipe, stem, straw, supplier, tap, the lowdown, tube, tubing, tubulation, tubule, tubulet, tubulure, under way, waste pipe, water pipe, wellspring