List of plain English synonyms and plain English related words.
austerity, baldness, bareness, candor, clarity, clear-cutness, clearness, coherence, common speech, connectedness, consistency, crystallinity, definition, directness, distinctness, explicitness, frankness, homespun, household words, leanness, limpidity, lucidity, matter-of-factness, naturalness, openness, pellucidity, perspicuity, plain speaking, plain speech, plain style, plain words, plainness, prosaicness, prosiness, restrainedness, rustic style, severity, simpleness, simplicity, soberness, spareness, starkness, straightforwardness, structure, transparency, transpicuity, unadorned style, unadornedness, unaffectedness, unambiguousness, unequivocalness, unimaginativeness, unmistakableness, unpoeticalness, vernacular