List of plan synonyms and plan related words.
action, adjust, affair, aim, aim at, alphabet, ambition, anagnorisis, anatomy, angle, animus, anticipate, approach, architectonics, architecture, argument, arrange, arrangement, art, aspiration, aspire after, aspire to, atmosphere, attempt, await, background, be after, be destined, be fated, be imminent, be to be, be to come, beget, blueprint, breed, bring forth, bring into being, build, building, business, calculate, call into being, cast, catalog, catalogue raisonne, catastrophe, charactering, characterization, chart, choreography, clear for action, clear the decks, codify, coin, color, come, come on, commitment, complication, composition, conceive, conception, concert, concoct, conformation, constitution, construction, contemplate, continuity, contract, contrivance, contrive, conventional representation, cook up, coordinate, counsel, course of action, creation, cure, cut out, dance notation, deal, delineate, delineation, demonstration, denouement, depiction, depictment, deploy, desideration, desideratum, design, desire, destine, determination, determine, develop, development, device, devise, diagram, discover, drama, draw near, draw on, drawing, dream up, dress, drive at, effect, effort, engagement, engender, enterprise, envisage, envision, episode, evolve, exemplification, expect, fable, fabric, fabricate, fabrication, falling action, fashion, fashioning, figuration, figure, fix, fix up, fixed purpose, forecast, foresee, foretell, forethink, forging, form, format, formation, formula, frame, frame up, function, game plan, generate, get ready, getup, gimmick, give being to, give rise to, go for, graph, ground plan, harbor a design, harmonize, hatch, have every intention, hieroglyphic, hope, iconography, idea, ideogram, illustration, imagery, imaging, improvise, incident, intend, intendment, intent, intention, invent, lay down, lay out, lay plans, layout, letter, lie ahead, limning, line, local color, logogram, logograph, look for, look forward to, loom, make, make a projection, make arrangements, make do with, make preparations, make ready, make up, makeup, making, manufacture, map, map out, mature, mean, meaning, means, method, methodize, mind, mint, mobilize, mold, molding, mood, motif, motive, movement, musical notation, mythos, near, nisus, normalize, notation, notion, object, obligation, operation, orderliness, organic structure, organism, organization, organize, originate, outline, pack, pack the deal, pattern, patterning, peripeteia, physique, pictogram, picturization, plan ahead, platform, plot, point, policy, portraiture, portrayal, prearrange, preconcert, preconsider, precontrive, predesign, predetermine, predict, prefigurement, premeditate, preorder, prep, prepare, preresolve, presentment, pretreat, printing, procedure, process, procreate, production, program, project, projection, prophesy, proposal, propose, proposition, prospectus, provide, purport, purpose, put in shape, rationalize, ready, ready up, realization, recognition, regularize, regulate, rendering, rendition, representation, resolution, resolve, rig, rising action, routinize, sake, scenario, schedule, schema, schematize, scheme, score, script, secondary plot, set, set up, settle, settle preliminaries, setup, sew up, shape, shaping, sketch, slant, spawn, stack the cards, standardize, story, strategy, strike out, striving, structure, structuring, study, subject, subplot, switch, syllabary, symbol, synchronize, system, systematize, tablature, table, table of contents, tan, task, tectonics, texture, thematic development, theme, think, think out, think up, threaten, tissue, tone, topic, treat, trim, try out, tune, tune up, twist, undertaking, venture, view, warp and woof, way, weave, web, will, work, work out, work out beforehand, work up, writing