List of plant synonyms and plant related words.
accouterments, adulterate, agent provocateur, amphibian, angiosperm, annual, apparatus, appliances, appointments, appurtenances, aquatic plant, armament, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, assign, atomic energy plant, base, bed, biennial, bindery, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, bosom, bottle up, brewery, brickyard, broadcast, build, build in, bury, bush, cache, cannery, capper, clawed, colonize, come-on man, conceal, confirm, conveniences, cook, cosmopolite, cover, creamery, cutting, dairy, deciduous plant, decoy, deep-dye, defense plant, define, denizen, deposit, dibble, dicot, dicotyledon, disseminate, distillery, dockyard, doctor, drill, duffel, dust, embed, embosom, empeople, engraft, engrave, entomb, entrench, ephemeral, equipage, equipment, establish, etch, evergreen, exotic, facilities, facility, factory, factory belt, factory district, fake, feeder plant, file and forget, fittings, fix, fixtures, flour mill, flower, flowering plant, footed, forest, found, foundry, fungus, furnishings, furniture, gametophyte, gear, ground, gymnosperm, herb, hide, hide away, hoofed, hydrophyte, impact, impedimenta, implant, impress, imprint, industrial park, industrial zone, infix, informant, informer, ingrain, inhabit, inhume, inject, inscribe, inseminate, insinuate, install, installations, inter, introduce, invest, jam, juggle, keep hidden, keep secret, kit, lay away, lay the foundation, load, lock up, lodge, machinery, main plant, manipulate, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, materiel, mill, mint, monocot, monocotyl, munition, munitions, munitions plant, occult, oil refinery, outfit, pack, packing house, paraphernalia, pedal, people, perennial, pitch, place, plantar, plumbing, polycot, polycotyl, polycotyledon, populate, position, pot, pottery, power plant, print, production line, push-button plant, put, put away, put in, put up, refinery, reforest, reset, retimber, retouch, rig, rigging, root, salt, sawmill, scatter, scatter seed, screen, seal up, seat, secret agent, secrete, seed, seed down, seed plant, seedling, seminate, set, set in, set out, set up, settle, settle in, shill, shipyard, shop, shrub, situate, sophisticate, sow, sow broadcast, spermatophyte, sporophyte, spy, stack, stamp, stash, station, stereotype, stock-in-trade, stool pigeon, stoolie, store away, stow away, subassembly plant, sugar refinery, tackle, taloned, tamper with, tannery, thallophyte, things, toed, tomb, transplant, tree, triennial, ungulate, utensils, vascular plant, vegetable, vest, vine, wedge, weed, winery, works, yard, yards