List of plastic synonyms and plastic related words.
Bakelite, Buna, Celluloid, Formica, Lucite, Mylar, PVC, Perspex, Plexiglas, Styrofoam, Teflon, able to adapt, acaroid resins, accessible, accordant, acetate, acetate nitrate, acquiescent, acrylic, adaptable, adaptive, adhesive, adjustable, alkyd, alterable, alterative, amber, amenable, aminoplast, anal, apt, artificial, average, bendable, bending, biddable, bogus, bourgeois, bright, casein plastic, cast plastic, cellophane, cellulose acetate, cellulose ether, cellulose nitrate, cellulose plastic, cellulosic, changeable, cheap, checkered, chintzy, clayey, clever, colophony, common, commonplace, complaisant, compliant, compulsive, concordant, conformable, conformist, conventional, corresponding, coumarone resins, coumarone-indene, counterfeit, crummy, docile, ductile, educable, elastic, epoxy, ersatz, ever-changing, extensible, extensile, extruded plastic, fabricable, facile, fake, fictile, flexible, flexile, flexuous, fluid, fluorocarbon plastic, formable, formal, formalistic, formational, formative, fossil resins, furane, garden, garden-variety, giving, gum rosin, gums, harmonious, imitation, impermanent, impressible, impressionable, in accord, in keeping, in line, in step, inexperienced, influenceable, instructable, intelligent, kaleidoscopic, kosher, lac resins, laminate, lignin, like putty, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, lot, malleable, manageable, many-sided, melamine, meretricious, metabolic, metamorphic, middle-class, mobile, modifiable, moldable, molded plastic, molding compounds, morphotic, motivated, movable, multiresin, mutable, neoprene, nitrate, no great shakes, nonuniform, normal, nylon, obedient, open, open-minded, ordinary, orthodox, other-directed, parcel, paste, pedantic, permutable, persuadable, persuasible, pervious, phenolic urea, pinchbeck, pine resins, plasmatic, plasmic, plat, pliable, pliant, plot, polyester, polymer, polymeric amide, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, precisianistic, protean, proteiform, protein plastic, protoplasmic, quick, ready, receptive, regular, resilient, resin, resin plastic, resina, resinate, resinoid, responsive, ripe for instruction, rosin, rubbery, run-of-mine, run-of-the-mill, schoolable, sensitive, sequacious, sham, shapable, shapeable, shoddy, silicone resin, soft, springy, square, straight, stuffy, suasible, submissive, suburban, suggestible, supple, susceptible, swayable, synthetic, synthetic fabric, synthetic resin, synthetic rubber, teachable, tetrafluoroethylene, thermoplastic, thermosetting plastic, thirsty for knowledge, tract, tractable, tractile, traditionalist, trainable, transient, transitory, unexceptional, unformed, unnoteworthy, unremarkable, unspectacular, uptight, urea, urea formaldehyde, usual, variable, vegetable resins, vinyl, waxy, weak, whippy, willing, willowy, workable, yielding