List of plebeian synonyms and plebeian related words.
Babbittish, Cockney, Everyman, John Smith, Philistine, average man, base, baseborn, below the salt, bourgeois, brutish, campy, coarse, cockney, common, common man, commoner, commonplace, crass, gauche, general, high-camp, homely, homespun, humble, ignoble, inferior, kitschy, little fellow, little man, low, low-camp, low-class, lowborn, lowbred, lowbrow, lowly, mean, nonclerical, ordinary, plain, pleb, pop, popular, proletarian, provincial, public, roturier, rude, rustic, shabby-genteel, third-estate, uncouth, undistinguished, ungenteel, unpolished, unrefined, unwashed, vernacular, vulgar, working-class