List of pledged synonyms and pledged related words.
affianced, affirmed, alleged, announced, answerable for, as earnest, asserted, asseverated, assured, at stake, attested, averred, avouched, avowed, beholden, beholden to, betrothed, bound, bounden, bounden to, certified, chargeable, committed, compromised, contracted, declared, deposed, deposited, duty-bound, engaged, enunciated, guaranteed, in duty bound, in hock, in pawn, indebted to, intended, liable, manifestoed, obligate, obligated, obliged, obliged to, on deposit, pawned, plighted, posted, predicated, professed, promised, pronounced, put up, responsible, saddled, staked, stated, sworn, sworn to, tied, under obligation, underwritten, up the spout, vouched, vouched for, vowed, warranted