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plug synonyms and plug related words

Synonyms -> plug synonyms

List of plug synonyms and plug related words.

PR, acknowledgment, advert, advertise, advertisement, advocate, appreciation, back, bait, balker, balky horse, ballyhoo, bar, bark, bill, bind, birdlime, block, block up, blockade, blurb, bola, boost, bright light, build up, buildup, bulletin, bung, caulk, cavendish, celebrity, charge, check valve, chew, chink, choke, choke off, choke up, chug on, circularize, clog, clog up, close, close off, close up, cobweb, cock, commend, commendation, commercial, commercial announcement, common knowledge, congest, constipate, cork, cover, crock, crowbait, cry, cry up, currency, dam, dam up, daylight, detonate, dig, discharge, dog, dragnet, drop, drudge, eclat, eject, establish, exposure, fag, fame, famousness, faucet, fell, fill, fill up, fire, fire hydrant, fire off, fireplug, fishhook, fly, foul, garron, gill net, give a write-up, give publicity, glare, goat, good word, grind, ground bait, grub, gun, gun for, hack, hammer, hammer away, hit, honorable mention, hook, hoopla, hue and cry, hydrant, hype, jade, jam, jig, jog on, jughead, keep doggedly at, lariat, lasso, let fly, let off, lid, lime, limelight, load, lumber, lure, maximum dissemination, mention, meshes, moil, nag, net, noose, notoriety, obstipate, obstruct, occlude, pack, peg, peg away, pelt, pepper, pick off, pigtail, pin, pistol, placard, plod, plod along, plug along, plug at, plug away, plug up, post, post bills, post up, pot, potshoot, potshot, pound away, pound net, press notice, press-agent, prime, promote, promotion, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicize, publicness, puff, puffing, purse seine, push, quid, reclame, recognition, recommend, recommendation, report, riddle, roarer, rogue, rosinante, rub on, scalawag, schlep, sea cock, seal off, seal up, seine, sell, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, slog, slog away, snare, sniggle, snipe, speak highly of, speak warmly of, speak well of, spiel, spigot, spike, spile, spill, spinner, spot, spot announcement, spotlight, springe, squid, stanch, stay, stench, stiff, stop, stop up, stopgap, stopper, stopple, strike, stuff, stuff up, stump, support, take a potshot, tap, toil, toils, torpedo, tout, tramp, travail, trawl, trudge, twist, valve, wad, wade through, water plug, whistler, wobbler, work away, write up, write-up