List of plunge synonyms and plunge related words.
abate, ablate, advance, agiotage, ante, ante up, arbitrage, ascend, back, back up, bate, be caught short, be eaten away, be short, beat down, belong, bet, bet on, blunder, boil, break, bucket, bucketshop, budge, bundle, burst, burst of speed, bustle, buy in, buy into, buying in, calculated risk, call, canter, careen, career, cascade, catabasis, cataract, chance, change, change place, charge, chase, cheapen, cheapening, circle, climb, collapse, come down, consume, consume away, corrode, cover, crash, cropper, crowd, crumble, culbute, cut, cut prices, dash, dash off, dash on, dead run, deceleration, declension, decline, decline and fall, decrease, decrescendo, deflate, deflation, deliquesce, deposit margin, depreciate, depreciation, descend, descent, devaluate, devaluation, die away, dig, diminish, diminuendo, dip, dip down, dive, dive into, dogtrot, double-time, down, downtrend, downturn, drive, drop, drop down, drop off, dwindle, dwindling, ebb, engulf, equity capital, erode, fade, fall, fall away, fall down, fall headlong, fall in price, fall off, falter, festinate, financier, flank speed, flat-out speed, flier, fling, flop, flounce, flounder, flow, flutter, forced draft, forced landing, fortune, full gallop, gallop, gamble, get going, get moving, get over, give way, go, go around, go down, go downhill, go long, go off half-cocked, go round, go sideways, gravitate, gyrate, hand gallop, hasten, hazard, head, header, headlong rush, heave, heavy right foot, high lope, hobbyhorse, hold on, hurry, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hustle, immerse, immersion, incline, invest, invest in, investment, jew down, jog trot, keel over, labor, languish, lapse, lay, lay a wager, lay down, lay out money, lead, lean, leap, lessen, let up, liquidation, lope, lose altitude, lose no time, lower, lowering, luck, lunge, lurch, make a bet, make a killing, make a scoop, make an investment, make haste, make heavy weather, margin up, mark down, markdown, maximum speed, meet a bet, melt away, miss the market, mount, move, move over, move quickly, natatorium, nose dive, nose-dive, nosedive, open throttle, operate, overstay the market, overwhelm, parachute, pare, parlay, pass, pitch, pitch and plunge, pitch and toss, place, play, play against, play the market, plop, plow back into, plummet, plummeting, plump, plunge bath, plunge headlong, plunge into, plunk, point, pool, post, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, pound, pour down, pratfall, precipitate, press on, price cut, price fall, price reduction, prime investment, profit taking, progress, propel, punt, push, push on, put, pyramid, race, rain, ram, rear, reduce, reduction, reel, regress, reinvest, remission, retreat, retrogress, rise, risk, rock, roll, rotate, round trade, run, run low, rush, rush into, rush through, sag, scalp, scalping, scamper, scend, scoop the market, scramble, scud, scurry, scuttle, see, seethe, settle, shave, shift, shove, shrink, sink, sink money in, skid, skin-dive, sky-dive, slash, slowdown, slump, soar, sound, speculate, speculation, spill, spin, spot sale, sprawl, sprint, spurt, stab, stag, stag the market, stagger, stake, stand pat, stick, stir, stockjobbery, stockjobbing, stoop, stream, struggle, stumble, submerge, submersion, subside, subsidence, sway, swimming bath, swimming hole, swimming pool, swing, swoop, swoop down, tail off, take a flier, take a header, tear, tend, tend to go, thrash about, thrust, topple, toss, toss and tumble, toss and turn, totter, trade on margin, travel, trend downward, trim, trip, trot, tumble, turn, uncertainty, venture, venture capital, volutation, wading pool, wager, wallop, wallow, wane, waste, waste away, wear, wear away, welter, whirl, wide-open speed, yaw