List of pluralistic synonyms and pluralistic related words.
absolute, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, aristocratic, authoritarian, autocratic, autonomous, blended, bureaucratic, capricious, certain, changeable, changing, choppy, civic, civil, combined, complex, composite, compound, compounded, conglomerate, constitutional, dappled, democratic, despotic, deviating, deviative, deviatory, dictatorial, different, disorderly, divaricate, divergent, diversified, diversiform, eclectic, equivocal, erose, erratic, fascist, federal, federalist, federalistic, fifty-fifty, governmental, gubernatorial, half-and-half, heterogeneous, heteronomous, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, indiscriminate, intricate, ironic, irregular, jagged, jerky, jumbled, many-sided, matriarchal, matriarchic, medley, mercurial, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monocratic, more, more than one, motley, multifaceted, multinational, multiracial, mutable, nonconformist, nonstandard, nonuniform, not singular, numerous, official, oligarchal, oligarchic, parliamentarian, parliamentary, patchy, patriarchal, patriarchic, plural, plurative, political, promiscuous, ragged, republican, rough, scrambled, self-governing, some, spasmodic, sporadic, syncretic, theocratic, thrown together, totalitarian, unequable, unequal, uneven, unorthodox, unstable, unsteady, unsystematic, ununiform, variable, varied, variegated, variform, various, varying, wavering