List of pocket synonyms and pocket related words.
CAT, Swiss bank account, abstract, acquire, aerospace, aerosphere, air hole, air pocket, airspace, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, appropriate, area, armpit, assets, baby, baby-sized, bag, balance, balloon, bank account, bantam, banty, barrel, basin, bear with, beleaguer, beset, besiege, billfold, bladder, blind alley, blockade, bottle, bottom dollar, bound, bowl, box, box in, budget, bump, burden, cage, camp, can, canned, capsule, cash reserves, catch up, cavity, ceiling, chamber, checking account, claim, clap hands on, clasp, claw, clench, clinch, close in, cluster, clutch, collar, command of money, compact, compass, concave, concavity, concentration, constitute, contain, coop, coop in, coop up, cordon, cordon off, corral, crate, crater, crosswind, crypt, cul-de-sac, cup, dead end, decree, depression, digest, diminutive, dip, disregard, down, drain off, draw off, duodecimo, dwarfish, eat, embezzle, embrace, empty space, enact, enact laws, encircle, enclose, encompass, endure, enshrine, exchequer, favorable wind, fence in, filch, filibuster, fill, finances, fiscal, fob, fog, fold, follicle, freight, front, fund, funds, funnel chest, get, get hold of, get the floor, glom on to, grab, grab hold of, grapple, grasp, grip, gripe, handbag, handy, have the floor, head wind, heap, heap up, hedge in, hem in, high-pressure area, hole, hollow, hollow shell, hook, house in, hug, ignore, impasse, impound, imprison, incarcerate, include, ionosphere, island, itsy-bitsy, jail, jetstream, keep, kennel, kill, kitty, lacuna, lade, lay hands on, lay hold of, leaguer, legislate, life savings, lift, load, lobby through, logroll, loot, low-pressure area, mass, means, mew, mew up, miniature, miniaturized, minikin, minimal, minuscule, minute, monetary, money belt, money clip, moneys, nab, nail, nest egg, nick, nip, nip up, ordain, overcast, pack, pack away, palm, partake, pass, pecuniary, pecuniary resources, pen, pen in, pigeonhole, pile, pilfer, pillage, pinch, pit, pocket the affront, pocket-size, pocket-sized, pocketbook, poke, pony, pool, porte-monnaie, possess, potted, pouch, punch bowl, purloin, purse, purse strings, put in force, put through, quarantine, rail in, railroad through, receive, receptacle, reserves, resources, reticule, rip off, roll logs, roughness, sac, sack, satchel, savings, savings account, scoop, seize, shell, ship, shrine, shut in, shut up, sink, sinus, small-scale, snaffle, snap up, snatch, snitch, socket, soup, space, stable, stack, steal, stomach, store, stow, stratosphere, subminiature, substance, substratosphere, surround, swallow, swallow an insult, swipe, table, tail wind, take, take by assault, take by storm, take hold of, take possession, take the floor, thieve, tolerate, toy, treasure, tropopause, troposphere, trough, turbulence, turn aside provocation, twelvemo, unregistered bank account, vest-pocket, veto, visibility, visibility zero, vug, wall in, wallet, wee, weeny, wherewithal, whip up, wrap, yard, yard up, yield the floor