List of poison synonyms and poison related words.
Cain, DDD, DDT, Paris green, abomination, abuse, acaricide, activate, adulterate, adulteration, afflict, aggrieve, alloy, annihilate, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antimony, antiseptic, apache, arsenic, arsenic trioxide, assassin, assassinator, atrocity, bad, bane, befoul, befoulment, bereave of life, beryllium, bewitch, bichloride of mercury, blight, bloodletter, bloodshedder, bravo, bug bomb, burker, butcher, button man, cadmium, cancer, canker, cannibal, carbamate insecticide, carbolic acid, carbon monoxide, carbon tetrachloride, carry away, carry off, charge, cheapen, chemosterilant, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, chlorine, chloroform, coarsen, communicability, condemn, confound, contact poison, contagion, contagiousness, contaminate, contamination, corrupt, corruption, crucify, crying evil, curse, cut down, cut off, cutthroat, cyanide, damage, deadliness, debase, debauch, defile, defilement, deflower, defoliant, degenerate, degrade, demoralize, denature, deprave, deprive of life, desecrate, desperado, despoil, despoliation, destroy, destruction, destructiveness, detriment, devalue, disadvantage, disinfectant, dispatch, dispose of, disserve, distort, distress, do a mischief, do away with, do evil, do for, do ill, do to death, do wrong, do wrong by, doom, embalming fluid, empoison, end, envenom, eradicant, eradicator, evil, execute, executioner, exterminate, exterminator, finish, finish off, formaldehyde, fumigant, fungicide, garroter, germicide, get into trouble, gorilla, grievance, gun, gunman, gunsel, harass, harm, hatchet man, havoc, head-hunter, herbicide, hex, hit man, homicidal maniac, homicide, hurt, hydrocyanic acid, hyoscyamine, ill, immolate, impair, infect, infection, infectiousness, infectivity, injure, injury, insect powder, insecticide, irradiate, jinx, kill, killer, launch into eternity, lead, liquidate, lynch, make away with, malignancy, maltreat, man-eater, man-killer, manslayer, martyr, martyrize, massacrer, matador, menace, mephitic, mephitis, mercuric chloride, mercury, miasma, microbicide, mischief, mistreat, misuse, miticide, molest, murder, murderer, mustard gas, nicotine, noxiousness, organic chlorine, organic phosphate insecticide, outrage, panther piss, persecute, pervert, pesticide, pestilence, phenol, plague, play havoc with, play hob with, poison gas, poisoner, poisonousness, pollute, pollution, prejudice, prostitute, prussic acid, purge, put away, put down, put to death, put to sleep, radiumize, rat poison, ravage, ravish, remove from life, roach paste, roach powder, rodenticide, rotgut, sacrifice, savage, scathe, selenium, shellac, slaughterer, slay, slayer, sophistication, stain, starve, stomach poison, strangler, strychnine, subvert, systemic, systemic insecticide, taint, take life, take off, the worst, threaten, thug, torment, torpedo, torture, toxic, toxicant, toxicity, toxin, trigger man, twist, ulcerate, venin, venom, venomous, venomousness, vermicide, vexation, violate, virulence, virulency, virulent, virus, vitiate, vulgarize, warp, weed killer, woe, wound, wreak havoc on, wrong