List of poorly synonyms and poorly related words.
abjectly, abominably, ailing, arrantly, atrociously, badly, basely, below par, commonly, contemptibly, crudely, despicably, execrably, flagrantly, foully, frugally, grossly, heinously, improperly, inadeptly, inadequately, inaptly, incapably, incompetently, indisposed, inefficiently, ineptly, inexpertly, inferiorly, meagerly, meanly, miserably, monstrously, nefariously, obnoxiously, odiously, pettily, punily, rotten, scantily, scurvily, shabbily, shoddily, sick, slightly, sparely, sparingly, unaptly, undeftly, under the weather, undexterously, unfacilely, unfitly, unproficiently, unsatisfactorily, unskillfully, unwell, vilely, wretchedly