List of precise synonyms and precise related words.
absolute, accurate, appreciative, attentive, authentic, be precise, careful, censorious, certain, choicy, choosy, circumscribed, close, concrete, conscientious, constant, correct, critical, defined, definite, delicate, demanding, descend to particulars, detail, detailed, determinate, different, differential, direct, discriminate, discriminating, discriminative, distinct, distinctive, distinguished, distinguishing, esoteric, especial, even, exact, exacting, exceptional, exigent, explicit, express, exquisite, extraordinary, faithful, fastidious, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, fixed, full, fussy, genteel, individual, individualize, inerrable, inerrant, infallible, inflexible, inner, intimate, itemize, limited, literal, literatim, make precise, mathematical, methodical, meticulous, micrometrically precise, microscopic, minute, narrow, nice, noteworthy, orderly, particular, particularize, peculiarize, perfect, perfectionistic, personal, personalize, picayune, picky, pinpoint, precious, precisian, precisianistic, precisionist, precisionistic, prig, priggish, prim, prissy, private, proper, prudish, punctilious, punctual, puristic, puritanic, puritanical, refined, religious, religiously exact, respective, restricted, right, rigid, rigorous, scientific, scientifically exact, scrupulous, scrutinizing, selective, sensitive, several, severe, singular, solipsistic, special, specialize, specific, spell out, square, straitlaced, strict, stringent, stuffy, subtle, tactful, true, truthful, unambiguous, unbending, unconditional, undeviating, unequivocal, unerring, unyielding, veracious, verbatim, very, well-defined, word-for-word