List of prepossession synonyms and prepossession related words.
adoption, adverse possession, affinity, alodium, appropriation, arrogation, assumption, bag, bent, bias, burgage, chosen kind, claim, colonization, colony, complex, compulsion, conquest, cup of tea, de facto, de jure, dependency, derivative title, druthers, enslavement, fancy, fascination, favor, favoritism, fee fief, fee position, fee simple, fee simple absolute, fee simple conditional, fee simple defeasible, fee simple determinable, fee tail, feodum, feud, fiefdom, fixation, fixed idea, forejudgment, frankalmoign, free socage, freehold, gavelkind, hang-up, having title to, hold, holding, hypercathexis, idee fixe, inclination, indent, irresistible impulse, jaundice, jaundiced eye, knight service, lay fee, leaning, lease, leasehold, legal claim, legal possession, mandate, monomania, morbid drive, obsession, obsessive compulsion, occupancy, occupation, one-sidedness, original title, owning, parti pris, partialism, partiality, particular choice, partisanship, personal choice, possessing, possession, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, preemption, preference, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, prenotion, preoccupancy, preoccupation, prescription, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, proclivity, property, property rights, proprietary rights, requisition, ruling passion, seisin, socage, squatting, style, subjugation, sublease, takeover, taking over, taste, tenancy, tenantry, tendency, tenure, tenure in chivalry, thing, tic, title, twist, type, underlease, undertenancy, undetachment, undispassionateness, usucapion, usurpation, villein socage, villeinhold, villenage