List of prescription synonyms and prescription related words.
Procrustean law, act, adverse possession, aid, alodium, alterative, analeptic, appurtenance, assistance, authority, balm, balsam, bill, birthright, bon ton, boundary, bounds, burgage, bylaw, canon, charge, claim, code, colony, command, commission, confinement, conformity, conjugal right, consuetude, continence, convention, corrective, criterion, cure, custom, de facto, de jure, decree, decretum, demand, dependency, derivative title, dictate, dictation, direction, directive, discipline, divine right, droit, drug, due, edict, enactment, established way, etiquette, faculty, fashion, fee fief, fee position, fee simple, fee simple absolute, fee simple conditional, fee simple defeasible, fee simple determinable, fee tail, feodum, feud, fiefdom, folkway, form, formality, formula, formulary, frankalmoign, free socage, freehold, gavelkind, general orders, guideline, having title to, healing agent, healing quality, help, hold, holding, inalienable right, injunction, institute, institution, instruction, interest, jus, knight service, law, law of nature, lay fee, lease, leasehold, legal claim, legal possession, legislation, lex, limit, limitation, mandate, manner, manners, maxim, measure, medicament, medication, medicine, moderation, mores, natural right, norm, norma, observance, occupancy, occupation, order, order of nature, ordinance, ordonnance, original title, owning, possessing, possession, power, practice, praxis, precept, preoccupancy, preoccupation, preparation, prepossession, prerogative, prescribed form, prescript, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, principle, proper claim, proper thing, property, property right, property rights, proprietary rights, proscription, qualification, receipt, recipe, regulation, relief, remedial measure, remedy, restorative, restrain, restriction, right, ritual, rubric, rule, ruling, seisin, set form, socage, social convention, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, squatting, standard, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, standing order, statute, sublease, succor, teaching, tenancy, tenantry, tenure, tenure in chivalry, time-honored practice, title, tradition, underlease, undertenancy, universal law, usage, use, usucapion, vested interest, vested right, villein socage, villeinhold, villenage, way, what is done, wont, wonting