List of present synonyms and present related words.
Christmas present, accessible, accommodate, accord, acquaint, actual, adduce, adjacent, administer, advance, affect, afford, affront, aid, aim, aim at, allege, allot, allow, allowance, alms, announce, aorist, array, articulate, as is, at hand, at present, attendant, available, award, baksheesh, be a gas, be a hit, being, bend, benevolence, bestow, bestow on, betoken, bill, birthday present, bomb, bonus, boon, bounty, box, brandish, brave, breast, breathe, bring before, bring forth, bring forward, bring in, bring into view, bring on, bring out, bring to bear, bring to notice, bring up, cadeau, challenge, chime, chorus, chronology, close, closest, clothe, come out with, communicate, compliment, conceive, confer, confront, confront with, contemporaneous, contemporary, continuity, contribute, contribution, convey, couch, couch in terms, current, dangle, dare, deal, deal out, defy, deliver, demonstrate, deploy, determine, develop, devote, direct, directionize, disclose, dish out, dispense, display, distribute, divulge, do the honors, dole, dole out, donate, donation, dramatize, duration, durative, duree, embody, embody in words, emcee, emit, enact, encounter, endow, endowment, enunciate, envisage, evidence, evince, exhibit, existent, existing, expose to view, express, extant, extend, face, face with, fail, fairing, favor, feature, file, fill, fill up, find, fix, fix on, flaunt, fling off, flop, flourish, fork out, formularize, formulate, frame, freeload, fresh, front, fund, furnish, future, future perfect, gift, gift with, give, give a knockdown, give an introduction, give away, give expression, give expression to, give freely, give out, give out with, give sign, give token, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, give words to, grant, gratuity, hand, hand out, hand over, hand-out, handsel, headline, heap, help to, here and now, highlight, historical present, hold forth, hold on, hold out, illuminate, immanent, immediate, impart, imperfect, in being, in effect, in existence, in force, in view, incarnate, indicate, indwelling, inherent, instant, introduce, invest, issue, just now, keep, largess, largesse, lastingness, latest, lavish, lay before, let have, let out, level at, lip, living, maintain, make a hit, make acquainted, make available, make clear, make known, make plain, make provision for, manifest, marshal, materialize, mean, meet, meet squarely, melodramatize, mete, mete out, modern, mount, nearby, nearest, new, newfashioned, now, nowadays, oblation, offer, offering, on board, on deck, on foot, on hand, open, open a show, our times, out with, parade, paragraph, pass out, past, past perfect, peace offering, perfect, perform, period, phonate, phrase, place before, plead, pluperfect, point, point at, point tense, point to, pour, pour forth, pourboire, prefer, premiere, prepare, present perfect, present to, present-age, present-day, present-time, presentation, presently, preterit, prevalent, preview, produce, proffer, progressive tense, pronounce, provide, provide for, proximate, psychological time, put, put forth, put forward, put in words, put it to, put on, put to choice, put to vote, put up, quaint, rain, raise, rally, record, recruit, register, remaining, render, replenish, represent, reveal, rhetorize, right now, roll out, running, say, scenarize, serve, set, set before, set forth, set out, set the stage, shell out, show, show forth, shower, sight on, slip, snow, sound, space, space-time, sponge, spotlight, stage, star, state, stem, stock, store, style, submit, subsidize, subsistent, subsisting, succeed, supply, support, tell, tender, tense, term, that be, that is, the future, the nonce, the past, the present, the time being, theatricalize, these days, throw off, tide, time, timebinding, tip, today, token, topical, train, train upon, tribute, trot out, try out, turn, turn over, turn upon, under the sun, unfold, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, utter, verbalize, vocalize, voice, vouchsafe, wave, while, whisper, white elephant, within call, within reach, within sight, word, yield