List of presentation synonyms and presentation related words.
Christmas present, accommodation, accordance, account, acquaintance, acquaintedness, advance, announcement, apostolic orders, apparition, appearance, appearing, appointment, approach, arising, asking price, avatar, award, awarding, benefit, bestowal, bestowment, bid, bill, birthday present, blue book, box, briefing, bulletin, cadeau, calling, canonization, close acquaintance, coming, coming into being, coming out, coming-forth, coming-out party, communication, communique, concession, conferment, conferral, conferring, consecration, contribution, cosmorama, cyclorama, data, datum, debut, deliverance, delivery, demonstration, diorama, directory, disclosure, dispatch, display, donation, election, emergence, enactment, endowment, enlightenment, entertainment, epiphany, evidence, exhibit, exhibition, exposition, exposure, facts, factual information, fairing, familiarization, farewell performance, feeler, flesh show, forthcoming, furnishment, gen, general information, georama, gift, gifting, giving, grant, granting, guidebook, handout, handsel, hard information, holy orders, image, impartation, impartment, incarnation, incidental information, induction, info, information, installation, institution, instruction, intelligence, introduction, investiture, invitation, issuance, knockdown, knowledge, launch, liberality, light, light show, major orders, manifestation, materialization, materializing, mention, message, minor orders, myriorama, nomination, notice, notification, oblation, occurrence, offer, offering, opening, ordainment, orders, ordination, ostentation, overture, pageant, pageantry, panorama, parade, peace offering, performance, phantasmagoria, pomp, preferment, preliminary approach, premiere, present, presenting, presentment, production, proffer, projection, promotional material, proof, provision, psychedelic show, publication, publicity, reading in, realization, release, report, representation, retrospective, revelation, rise, rising, shifting scene, show, showing, showing forth, sidelight, sight, spectacle, stage presentation, stage show, statement, submission, subscription, supplying, surrender, swan song, tableau, tableau vivant, tentative approach, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, theatrical performance, theophany, transmission, tribute, tryout, unfolding, unfoldment, unveiling, varnishing day, vernissage, visuals, vouchsafement, white book, white elephant, white paper, word