List of presentiment synonyms and presentiment related words.
actuarial prediction, advance notice, affect, affection, apocalypse, apprehensiveness, clairvoyance, discomposing, discomposure, disquietude, disturbance, emotion, emotional charge, emotional shade, experience, feeling, feeling tone, foreboding, forecast, forecasting, forefeeling, foreknowing, foreknowledge, foreseeability, foreshowing, foresight, foretelling, forewarning, forewisdom, funny feeling, guesswork, gut reaction, heartthrob, hunch, impression, improbability, intimation, intuition, intuitive impression, misgiving, omen, passion, perturbation, plenty of notice, portent, preapprehension, precautioning, precognition, prediction, prefiguration, prefigurement, prefiguring, premonition, prenotice, prenotification, prenotion, presage, presaging, prescience, preshowing, presignifying, prewarning, probability, profound sense, prognosis, prognostication, promise, prophecy, prophesying, prospectus, reaction, response, sensation, sense, sentiment, soothsay, speculation, statistical prediction, suspicion, undercurrent, vague feeling, vague idea, vaticination