List of prickly synonyms and prickly related words.
acanaceous, acanthoid, aciculate, aculeate, aculeolate, agitable, allergic, anaphylactic, annoying, atingle, bad-tempered, barbed, bothersome, brambly, briery, bristly, cantankerous, complex, complicated, contentious, cranky, crawling, crawly, delicate, difficult, edgy, emotional, emotionally unstable, empathetic, empathic, eruptive, excitable, explosive, fractious, fretful, goosy, hard, high-mettled, high-spirited, high-strung, highly emotional, hyperesthetic, hyperpathic, hypersensitive, inflammable, intricate, irascible, irritable, itchy, knotty, mettlesome, miffy, muricate, nervous, nettlesome, overrefined, oversensible, oversensitive, overtender, passible, peevish, perturbable, pettish, petulant, pricking, prickling, pricky, refined, responsive, sensitive, setaceous, setose, short-tempered, skittish, snappish, spiculate, spiky, spinous, spiny, startlish, stinging, supersensitive, sympathetic, tactful, temperamental, tender, testy, tetchy, thin-skinned, thistly, thorny, ticklish, tingling, tingly, touchy, troublesome, volcanic, waspish