List of primate synonyms and primate related words.
Australanthropus, Australopithecus, Barbary ape, Bronze Age man, Cro-Magnon man, Galley Hill man, Gigantopithecus, Grand Penitentiary, Grimaldi man, Heidelberg man, Holy Father, Hominidae, Iron Age man, Neanderthal man, Oreopithecus, Paranthropus, Peking man, Pithecanthropus, Plesianthropus, Rhodesian man, Sinanthropus, Stone Age man, Swanscombe man, Zinjanthropus, aboriginal, aborigine, abuna, amphibian, ancient, angwantibo, antediluvian, anthropoid, anthropoid ape, antipope, ape, ape-man, aquatic, archbishop, archdeacon, archpriest, autochthon, aye-aye, baboon, back-number, behind the times, biped, bishop, bishop coadjutor, bushman, canine, cannibal, canon, capuchin, cardinal, cardinal bishop, cardinal deacon, cardinal priest, carnivore, cave dweller, caveman, chacma, chaplain, chimpanzee, coadjutor, cosmopolite, curate, dated, dean, diocesan, drill, ecclesiarch, entellus, eolithic man, exarch, feline, fossil man, gibbon, gnawer, gorilla, guenon, guereza, hanuman, has-been, herbivore, hierarch, high priest, hominid, humanoid, insectivore, invertebrate, langur, lemur, macaque, mammal, mammalian, man, man of old, mandrill, marmoset, marsupial, marsupialian, metropolitan, missing link, mountain gorilla, neolithic man, old hat, old-fashioned, old-timey, oldfangled, omnivore, orang, orangutan, out of fashion, out of season, out-of-date, outdated, outmoded, papa, patriarch, penitentiary, pontiff, pope, preadamite, prebendary, prehistoric man, prehuman, prelate, primitive, proboscis monkey, protohuman, quadruped, rector, reptile, rhesus, rodent, ruminant, rural dean, saki, scavenger, styleless, subdean, suffragan, troglodyte, unfashionable, ungulate, varmint, vermin, vertebrate, vicar