List of prime synonyms and prime related words.
Eastertide, Mass, Maytime, abecedarian, aboriginal, acme, admirable, adolescence, adulthood, adultness, advise, age of consent, algorismic, algorithmic, aliquot, all-absorbing, alpha, ancestral, antecedent, antenatal, antepatriarchal, anterior, anticipatory, apply paint, apprise, arch, atavistic, aurora, autochthonous, banner, basic, bedaub, bedizen, bedtime prayer, begild, beginning, besmear, best, break of day, breaking-in, brief, brightening, brush on paint, budding, budtime, butter, calcimine, camp meeting, capital, cardinal, central, champion, chanticleer, charge, chief, choice, chosen, church, church service, ci-devant, coach, coat, cock, cockcrow, cocklight, color, complexion, compline, controlling, cover, crack of dawn, cram, cram with facts, cream, creative, crowning, dab, dandy, daub, dawn, dawning, day-peep, daybreak, daylight, dayspring, decimal, deep-dye, detonate, devotions, differential, digital, dip, discharge, distemper, divine service, dominant, double-dye, drill, driving age, drop, duty, dye, earlier, earliest, early, educate, eject, elder, elect, elemental, elementary, elite, emblazon, embryonic, enamel, engild, even, evening devotions, evensong, excellent, exceptional, excite, exercises, exponential, extraordinary, face, famous, fast-dye, fat, fell, fetal, figural, figurate, figurative, fine, finite, fire, fire off, first, first blush, first brightening, first glance, first impression, first inning, first lap, first move, first round, first sight, first stage, first step, first-class, first-rate, first-string, flower, flower of age, focal, for the best, fore, foregoing, forehand, foremost, formative, former, forward, foundational, fractional, fresco, front, frontal, full age, full bloom, full growth, fullgrownness, fundamental, galvanize, gambit, gestatory, get ready, get up steam, gild, glaze, gloss, grain, great, greatest, greenness, grown-upness, gun, gun for, handpicked, head, headmost, hegemonic, heyday, highest, hit, hue, humanoid, illuminate, imaginary, imbue, impair, impossible, in embryo, in its infancy, in the bud, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, infant, infantile, infinite, inform, ingrain, initial, initiative, initiatory, instruct, integral, introductory, inventive, irrational, japan, juvenility, lacquer, lauds, lay on, lay on color, le premier pas, leading, legal age, legalis homo, let fly, let off, light, liturgy, load, logarithmic, logometric, magisterial, maiden, main, majority, make ready, manhood, manlihood, master, matchless, matins, mature age, maturity, meeting, morn, morning devotions, motivate, move, nascent, natal, negative, night song, none, nones, nonesuch, nonpareil, noteworthy, notify, novena, numeral, numerary, numerative, numeric, odd, office, older, opening move, optimal, optimum, ordinal, original, outstanding, overriding, overruling, paint, pair, paragon, paramount, parget, parturient, patriarchal, peak, peep of day, peerless, pelt, pepper, pick, pick off, picked, pigment, pinnacle, pioneer, pique, pistol, plug, positive, possible, postnatal, pot, potshoot, potshot, praise meeting, prayer, prayer meeting, prayers, preadamite, preceding, precurrent, predominant, preeminent, preexistent, preglacial, pregnant, prehistoric, prehuman, premier, prenatal, prepare, preponderant, prevailing, previous, pride, primal, primary, primavera, prime of life, prime song, primeval, primitive, primitiveness, primitivity, primogenial, primoprimitive, primordial, principal, prior, pristine, prize, procreative, protohistoric, protohuman, puberty, pubescence, public worship, queen, quicken, quintessence, quintessential, radical, ranking, rational, real, reciprocal, revival, revival meeting, riddle, ripe age, riper years, rudimental, rudimentary, ruling, seedtime, select, senior, service, set, sext, shade, shadow, shellac, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, slap on, slather, slop on paint, smear, smear on, snipe, sovereign, spread on, spread with, spring, springtide, springtime, stain, star, steam up, stellar, stimulate, stipple, strike, stuff with knowledge, submultiple, sunrise, sunup, supereminent, superior, superlative, supreme, surd, surpassing, take a potshot, tar, teach, tent meeting, the best, the best ever, the tops, the very best, tierce, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, toga virilis, tone, top, topflight, torpedo, train, transcendental, tutor, undercoat, underived, undersong, unmatchable, unmatched, unparalleled, unsurpassed, uppermost, ur, varnish, very best, vesper, vespers, vestibule of Day, vigils, virility, warm up, warming-up, wash, watch meeting, watch night, watch-night service, whitewash, wind, wind up, womanhood, womanlihood, worthy, years of discretion, youth, youthfulness, zenith