List of privilege synonyms and privilege related words.
accomplishment, advantage, allowance, appanage, ascendancy, authority, authorization, authorize, benefit, birthright, blank check, boon, carte blanche, certificate, certify, charter, concession, consent, copyright, deanship, diplomatic immunity, discharge, dispensation, empower, enable, enfranchise, entitle, excellence, exception, exemption, favor, franchise, freedom, give official sanction, give power, grant, greatness, immunity, incomparability, indulgence, inimitability, lead, leave, legalize, legislative immunity, legitimize, liberty, license, majority, one-upmanship, patent, permission, perquisite, precedence, predominance, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, prestige, priority, ratify, release, right, right-of-way, sanction, seniority, skill, special favor, success, superiority, transcendence, transcendency, validate, virtuosity, warrant