List of prod synonyms and prod related words.
activate, actuate, annoy, assault, badger, bear, bear upon, bearing, boost, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt, butt against, carp at, cavil, come in contact, cram, crowd, cue, dig, drive, egg on, elbow, encourage, excite, exhort, feel, feel of, finger, flick, flog, force, gad, gadfly, goad, grope, handle, harass, head, hector, henpeck, hound, hurtle, hustle, impel, incite, instigate, irk, irritate, jab, jam, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, lash, manipulate, motivate, move, nag, needle, nudge, oxgoad, palm, palpate, paw, pester, pile drive, pique, plague, ply, poke, poke at, press, pressure, prick, prompt, propel, provoke, punch, push, quick look, ram, ram down, rattle, reminder, rouse, rowel, run, run against, shake, shoulder, shove, sic, signal, spur, stimulate, stimulus, sting, stir, stress, tamp, tap, tentative examination, thrust, thumb, touch, twiddle, urge, whip, whiplash, wield