List of profligate synonyms and profligate related words.
Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, abandoned, backslider, bad egg, bad lot, black sheep, carnal, contaminated, corrupt, corrupted, debased, debauched, debauchee, decadent, degenerate, degraded, depraved, dissipated, dissipative, dissolute, easy come, easy go, erotic, evil, excessive, extravagant, fallen angel, fast, free, gallant, gay, gay deceiver, gay dog, good-for-nothing, immoderate, immoral, improvident, incontinent, indecent, iniquitous, intemperate, lady-killer, lascivious, lavish, lecher, lecherous, lewd, libertine, licentious, loose, lost sheep, lost soul, lover-boy, miscreant, morally polluted, no-good, overgenerous, overlavish, overliberal, penny-wise and pound-foolish, pervert, perverted, philanderer, pimp, polluted, pound-foolish, prodigal, profuse, promiscuous, rake, rakehell, rakehellish, rakehelly, rakish, recidivist, reckless, recreant, reprobate, rip, rotten, roue, rounder, scapegrace, sensual, sensualist, shameless, sinful, sinner, skirt chaser, sodomite, sorry lot, spender, spendthrift, squanderer, squandering, steeped in iniquity, swinger, sybarite, sybaritic, tainted, trollop, unbridled, unprincipled, unrestrained, vice-corrupted, vitiated, voluptuary, voluptuous, walking phallus, wanton, warped, wasteful, waster, wastethrift, wastrel, whore, whoremonger, wicked, wild, wolf, woman chaser, womanizer