List of progressive synonyms and progressive related words.
Fabian, a la mode, advanced, advancing, ameliorative, ascending, avant-garde, axial, back, back-flowing, backward, bettering, catenary, consecutive, contemporary, continuing, continuous, descending, developing, down-trending, downward, drifting, dynamic, extremist, far out, fashionable, flowing, fluent, flying, forward, forward-looking, go-ahead, going, gradual, growing, gyrational, gyratory, improving, in, increasing, left, left of center, left-wing, left-winger, leftist, liberal, liberalist, liberalistic, lineal, linear, looking up, meliorative, meliorist, mending, mod, modern, modernistic, modernized, modish, mounting, moving, newfashioned, now, on the left, on the lift, on the mend, oncoming, ongoing, onward, ordinal, passing, plunging, present-day, present-time, proceeding, progressing, progressionist, progressist, progressivist, progressivistic, radical, reflowing, refluent, reformer, reformist, regressive, retrogressive, revisionist, revolutionary, rising, rotary, rotational, rotatory, running, rushing, sequent, sequential, serial, seriate, sideward, sinking, soaring, step by step, streaming, streamlined, successional, successive, twentieth-century, ultra-ultra, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, up-trending, upward, utopian, utopist, way out, welfare stater